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Esthetician Insurance

Esthetician Insurance

Estheticians work closely with their clients. With most clients, you won’t have any problems. Unfortunately, there can be clients that have a problem. How are you protected in those rare circumstances when someone claims to be injured? What if a chemical peel is too aggressive or a laser treatment causes a burn? This is where our esthetician insurance steps in.

Without the right esthetician insurance coverage in place, you will not be protected from these types of claims. Esthetician insurance will help protect your business from bodily injury, slips and falls, property damage, and even advertising disputes.

Why Do You Need Specialized Esthetician Insurance?

No matter where you are working, if your product damages a client’s skin, you can expect an unhappy client.

Unhappy clients can lead to lawsuits. Without the proper protection, you will be left to defend yourself and that can cost a lot of money. Our esthetician insurance is just what you need to protect yourself as an independent contractor. Accidents are costly and defending them can be even more expensive.

With our policy, you’ll get peace of mind anytime a claim may arise. Here’s what we can do to protect you.

General Liability Insurance

Our policy will cover your professional services for bodily injuries, property damage, libel, and advertising claims. Our esthetician insurance also covers common claims such as slip and fall and dissatisfaction with service.

In these cases, esthetician insurance will cover legal expenses such as settlements or judgments, attorney fees, and court costs.

Professional Liability Insurance

This coverage is the glue that holds the whole esthetician insurance package together. While many carriers offer affordable general liability coverage, few offer professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance specifically covers your services, like microdermabrasion or light therapy.

If you are sued because a client claims they were burned by a chemical peel, general liability insurance will not cover that situation. A regular business policy would notify you that you are on your own. That’s because chemical peels are part of your professional services. However, the professional liability coverage in our policy fixes this problem, giving you total coverage.

Property Insurance

Esthetician property insurance covers any equipment you may have. If your equipment is damaged by theft, fire or vandalism, you’re covered. Property coverage is optional.

Because we package these three policies together in one big policy, you save money.

Remember, just because you haven’t had a claim or would never intentionally do something wrong, you can still get sued. Insurtec is here for you every step of the way to defend you.

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