Airbrush Tanning Insurance
Airbrush tanning is one of the fastest-growing segments of the beauty industry. Though many believe that airbrush tanning is safer than ultraviolet tanning, airbrush tanning, like any service you offer, has its own set of risks involved. Because of skin reactions or privacy issues, airbrush tanning insurance is a must-have for anyone offering the service.
We offer two different types of policies for airbrush tanning. If you are an independent contractor, we have you covered with our stand-alone independent contractor policy. This policy is not shared with other contractors. It is a full policy with you being the “named insured”. If you operate a tanning or beauty salon, we’ll add airbrush tanning insurance on your regular policy, plus, we can even cover you if you offer services outside your salon. This means that you’re covered if you go to someone’s home or business to apply the airbrush tan.
If airbrush tanning is your whole business, we can cover you for as little as $309 a year. That’s less than a dollar a day! Salons can add on this service for even less. If you think airbrush tanning is 100% safe, you will want to take a look at the types of airbrush tanning insurance claims we’ve seen over the past several years.
Why You Need Airbrush Tanning Insurance
Fainting – As unlikely as it sounds, clients have fainted while getting an airbrush tan. The technician must be aware of this at all times and be ready to sit the customer down if any signs of dizziness are present. This most often happens if a customer has to stand for an extended period of time with their eyes closed. This can arise from a customer standing with locked knees for an extended period of time.
Working Around the Eyes – Working around the eyes with the airbrush can result in damage to the eye. Besides that, when the eyes are closed the customer is more likely to lose their balance and lean into the airbrush itself. Ouch!
Poor Application of Solution – Customers usually exfoliate before getting an airbrush tan. It works best when the color becomes part of their skin. Because of this, the tan cannot be removed without removing skin. Trying to remove a poor application could result in a disastrous tan. If the client is getting the tan for a special occasion, like a wedding, they aren’t going to be happy if their special day is ruined.
Allergic Reactions – Allergic reactions to DHA, the active ingredient in airbrush tanning, occur occasionally. Although they rarely result in any more than a minor reaction, it’s still a risk you have to be aware of. Also, keep in mind that many people have allergies to latex. Always use polyvinyl gloves to avoid this possibility.
Privacy Issues – We’ve all seen the news reports of peeping toms and hidden cameras. In today’s litigious culture, many people have a different opinion on what is an invasion of privacy or harassment. In your business, you work with people every day. If a client feels violated in any way, there are tons of attorneys out there who will gladly take up their case, regardless of if you did anything wrong. If you are sued, you need someone with experience in your corner to defend you.
How Insurtec Can Get You Covered Today
Your business is facing these types of risks and others not mentioned every day. A good insurance policy that is designed specifically for airbrush tanning is the best way to protect your business. Most businesses without proper insurance close their doors if they have a big claim. If you have any questions about our airbrush program or would like a quotation, give us a call at 800-606-0621 or click below to get a free, no-obligation quote.
Contributions to this page were made by Scentual Sun Airbrush Tanning Systems.